Harvesting Wisconsin Soybeans
Dust flies from the John Deere combines at work. An autumn breeze blows across the fields and through the leaves of the changing trees. Farmers are working around the clock to get the soybean crop out of the fields while the weather permits. I spent these past few days in the Custer Farms’ fields watching the choreographed movements of man and machine. Combines cutting the crop from the fields, extracting the soybeans, and disposing of the rest in quick order. As the combine’s hopper fills near full, another worker pulls alongside with a grain cart. The combine operator will unload his crop on the fly into the grain cart without missing a beat. The grain cart will be driven between the two combines until he unloads into the awaiting hopper trucks at the edge of the field. This process goes on into the night until the last of the crop is harvested from the field. Custer Farms is a family farm in the Chippewa Valley located north of Eau Claire, Wisconsin.
Company: Custer Farms

“Wisconsin soybean farmers grows twice as much food as his or her parents did using less land, energy, water and fewer emissions.”
Wisconsin Soybean Association

“Farming looks mighty easy when your plow is a pencil and you’re a thousand miles from the corn field.”
Dwight D. Eisenhower

“We can feel good about the fact that we are bringing income and opportunity to our local area.”
Ken Custer, Owner