Milk Route

Dairy farms milk their cattle two to three times a day and store the milk in refrigerated stainless steel tanks. The milk is picked up from the farm multiple times a week or even daily depending on the size of the farm. The milk is pumped from the tank into a milk truck which goes farm to farm until full. Once full the milk is delivered to a dairy or processor. This story is about a day with Lemke Brothers Trucking which operates a route throughout Rusk County in Wisconsin. They deliver the milk to AMPI Dairy Plant located in Jim Falls.

Company: Lemke Bros. Trucking

“It’s hard to beat this day at the office. I get to watch the sun rise into the sky everyday right here.”

“The difference between rising at five and seven o’clock in the morning, for forty years, supposing a man to go to bed at the same hour at night, is nearly equivalent to the addition of ten years to a man’s life.”

Philip Doddridge

“I enjoy working in the agriculture industry because of the hard working, dedicated people I am around everyday.”

Pete Lemke, Co-Owner

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